4 journeys in total, with 667mi 11ch travelled in 9h 9m.
2 journeys in total, with 218mi 33ch travelled in 2h 37m.
2 journeys in total, with 215mi 66ch travelled in 2h 38m.
1 journeys in total, with 29mi 73ch travelled in 33m.
3 journeys in total, with 401mi 47ch travelled in 7h.
1 journeys in total, with 185mi 70ch travelled in 2h 11m.
2 journeys in total, with 371mi 60ch travelled in 4h 47m.
1 journeys in total, with 80mi 16ch travelled in 56m.
4 journeys in total, with 328mi 34ch travelled in 4h 39m.
2 journeys in total, with 371mi 60ch travelled in 4h 25m.
1 journeys in total, with 80mi 16ch travelled in 1h.
1 journeys in total, with 112mi 11ch travelled in 1h 24m.
3 journeys in total, with 535mi 25ch travelled in 7h 1m.
1 journeys in total, with 80mi 16ch travelled in 1h 2m.
1 journeys in total, with 185mi 70ch travelled in 2h 26m.